WIS and CMA’s Beijing WIS Portal
The WMO Information system (WIS) is the single coordinated global infrastructure responsible for the telecommunications and data management functions.
Architecture of WIS
WIS was designed to dramatically extend WMO Members' ability to
collect and disseminate data and products. Owned and operated by
Members, it will be the core information system utilized by the
WMO community, providing linkages for all WMO and supported
programmes associated with weather, climate, water, and related
natural disasters. It is being built upon the Global
Telecommunication System of WMO's World
Weather Watch, using standard elements and at a pace feasible for
all Members.
WIS encompasses three types of core function
centres (GISCs, DCPCs and NCs) and a communications network.

GISCs (Global Information System Centres) are responsible for:
- Management of AMDCN (the Area Meteorological Data Communication Network)
- Services relating to data intended for global distribution (known as a GISC Cache)
- Cataloguing of the entire WIS
DCPCs (Data Collection or Production Centres) are designated for each WMO programmes activity. They typically engage in:
- Production of specialized information (e.g. for RSMCs)
- Collection and archiving of information in a domain (e.g. for WMO WDCs)
- Telecommunication hub activities (e.g. for GTS RTHs)
NCs (National Centres) can be established in each WMO member state. They are responsible for collecting national observation data and submitting them to the WIS network. NCs are also responsible for domestic data distribution networks and in-country authorization of WIS users.
Implementation of WIS
Congress agreed that the WIS implementation plan has two parts developed in parallel:
- Part A: The continued consolidation and further improvements of the GTS for time-critical and operation-critical data, including its extension to meet operational requirements of WMO Programmes in addition to the World Weather Watch (including improved management of services);
- Part B: An extension of the information services through flexible data discovery, access and retrieval services to authorized users, as well as flexible timely delivery services.
CMA’s Beijing WIS Portal
CMA’s Beijing WIS Portal is operated by China Meteorological Administration (CMA) in its capacity as a GISC (Global Information System Center) in WIS. It belongs to the implementation of WIS Part B, which extended the GTS functions to allow many organizations who do not have the access to GTS, to obtain data online.
Services of Beijing WIS Portal
Beijing WIS Portal provides service to three type users, including anonymous users, WIS center users and normal users.
GISC Beijing’s data cache contains both WMO Essential and Additional data which are defined under WMO Resolution 40 (Cg-XII) and CMA’s internal DCPC (DCPC RTH, DCPC RCC, DCPC RSMC, DCPC NSMC) products.
For anonymous user
- You can discover data and products by metadata directory guiding or metadata searching. Once you have found a product you are interested in, you can request direct access and download the recent products immediately. GTS open data and CMA’s internal DCPC open data is available. One downloading is just for products of one metadata.
- You can access “GISC monitoring” to know the system status and service statistics of GISC Beijing.
For registered normal user
- From Beijing WIS Portal, you can discover data and products by metadata directory guiding or metadata searching. Once you have found products you are interested in, you can request direct access and download the recent products immediately or setup a subscription to get the products delivered when they arrive at GISC Beijing. GTS data and DCPC data is available. Batch downloading is supported. The data dissemination is through Internet.
- You can access “GISC monitoring” to know the system status and service statistics of GISC Beijing.
For registered WIS center users
- From Beijing WIS Portal, you can discover data and products by metadata directory guiding or metadata searching. Once you have found products you are interested in, you can request direct access and download the recent products immediately or setup a subscription to get the products delivered when they arrive at GISC Beijing. GTS data and DCPC data is available. Batch downloading is supported. If possible, the data dissemination supports GTS, CMACast and Internet.
- You can create, modify or delete the metadata records belongs to your center by metadata maintain function.
- You can access “GISC monitoring” to know the system status and service statistics of GISC Beijing.
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